Should I redirect my tithe or regular giving to the
For Such a Time as This campaign?
No. Your giving commitment to the campaign should be above and
beyond your regular giving. Your tithe and regular giving are to
support the current programs and ministries of Congregation Shema Yisrael.
Members of other congregations, please do not redirect your tithe or regular giving For Such a Time as This campaign. Prayerfully ask God for direction on how you can contribute to this campaign that goes beyond your tithe and regular giving.
How do I make my commitment to the For Such a Time as This campaign?
Members of Shema Yisrael and regular attendees can complete a commitment card to indicate what God is leading you to give, over and above our regular giving, for the next three years. Please see Elizabeth Appel for commitment card.
For non-members, to contribute to the For Such a Time as This campaign,
Give our First Fruits Offering - our largest possible gift that counts toward that commitment. First fruit offerings & commitment cards can be turned in before or after that weekend in case you're unable to attend one of the services.
What is a First Fruits Offering?
A First Fruit offering is a way of worshiping God by giving a portion of what God has given to us for supporting His work on earth.
Is my commitment confidential?
All giving to Congregation Shema Yisrael is completely confidential, including giving to the For Such a Time as This campaign.
Can my commitment be changed if necessary?
Commitments can be changed if necessary, allowing you to either increase or decrease your commitment as needed. Your decision to change your commitment should be done only after much prayer.
Will I be billed monthly for my pledge?
No. We will be counting on you to meet your commitments in a timely manner. If giving via a check, please be sure to designate your checks by writing "FOR SUCH A TIME" on the memo line.
What are donor advised funds?
These are all types of assets (cash, stocks, non-liquid assets). You can setup a Giving Fund through National Christian Foundation and choose Congregation Shema Yisrael as the recipient of these assets and receive an income tax deduction at the time of the donation.
For more information, call the office or visit
What happens in the event that more or less than the outlined goals are committed?
If more than the target amount is sacrificially given over the next two years then this will allow us to expand our project and/or reduce the size of our building loan debt.
What is expected of me?
Pray and ask God what He would have you to do to participate. Ask questions and be informed.