Shema Future
Gains For Purchasing EFMC:
About The EFMC Building
In addition to the benefit of being in a location where many Jewish people will pass by our sign, we will gain several significant improvements by purchasing the EFMC facility.
An air-conditioned sanctuary that is twice the size of our current one.
A large lobby for before and after-service fellowship.
A 50% larger fellowship hall that seats 100 people.
A well equipped, modern kitchen.
Office space sufficient for our expanding needs.
A large parking lot
A new HVAC system that will reduce utilities cost.
Modern plumbing and electrical systems which will reduce maintenance costs.
Lots of classrooms and a playground.
The EFMC facility opens up several new possibilities for growth of our minitries.
There are apartment complexes in the neighborhood with many single parent families whom we can help with our Sharing Our Bread grocery distribution ministry.
The facility would be ideal location for a Day Care and/or Pre-school.
The EFMC facility is the ideal location for a Messianic Jewish Synagogue in the Greater Rochester area. We believe that thousands of Jewish people will become aware of the existence and location of our congregation and what we have to offer.
Local Jewish seekers will become aware they can learn about the Bible and Messiah in a culturally Jewish friendly setting
All this will result in revival in the Jewish community of Greater Rochestesr.