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G-d delivered the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. To save themselves from G-d's final act of judgment against the Egyptians - the death of the firstborn- the Israelites had to sacrifice an innocent lamb with no blemishes and spread its blood on their doorposts. The Angel of Death would pass over the household only if there was blood on the door. In the same way, our sin and iniquity bring judgment from God. We can escape that judgment only if we apply the blood sacrifice to our lives. 


In Israel, barley is the first crop that becomes ripe. We are to bring the first barley 'fruits' of the harvest to G-d as an offering. As G-d gives all good things to us, such as food from the ground, we are to give him the first and the best of our lives. Three days after Yeshua was crucified, he rose from the dead, serving as a spiritual first fruit. Read more about who else will rise from the dead. 

Yom Ha'Bikkurim (First Fruits)
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Shavuot (Pentecost)

Traditional Jewish thought believes this is the day when the Torah, G-d's Word, was given to the Israelites at Mt. Sinai. During Shavuot centuries later, G-d's Spirit was given to His people. 

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Rosh Hashanah (Head of the Year)

The Jewish New Year begins a ten-day period of introspection leading up to Yom Kippur. The shofar, a ram's horn, is sounded as an alarm. How have we heaved the past year? Will we be deemed worthy to be written into G-d's book of Life? Also called the Feast of Trumpets, the shofar will announce the coming of a King!

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Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)

The final day of the Ten Days of Awe, Yom Kippur is the time to make atonement for our sins and iniquity. It is a day of fasting and prayer. 

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Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles)

Native-born Israelis are commanded to live in booths, three-sided structures topped with tree branches for seven days during Sukkot. It is a reminder of the Israelites' dependence on G-d during their 40 years in the desert. As G-d dwelled among them in a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, G-d will again physically dwell among us. 

There are other holidays that appear on the Jewish calendar. Though not established by G-d, some appear in the Bible as being celebrated and having spiritual meaning. Others have more historical or cultural meaning. These holidays are listed below. 

Tu b'Shvat

Yom Ha'atmaut

(Israeli Independence Day)


Simcha Torah

Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Rememberance Day)


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